Other features of this gamesave: -100% complete -17,000,000+ SP -All jackspots (including DLC cars) found -All billboards smashed -All Speed Cameras completed -All races & Most Wanted races (including DLC races) won This gamesave has been played and tested on version with NO DLC, and version of the Deluxe Bundle (ALL DLC), and is confirmed working with both versions. Extract the file to C:UsersWindows 10DocumentsNFS Most Wanted 4. Go to This Computer > Documents > NFS Most Wanted (like this: C:UsersWindows 10DocumentsNFS Most Wanted ) 3. I simply took two weekends of my time to go back and finish pro modding each part, and with the original author's permission, I'm here to share this further completed gamesave with you all. Download WinRAR and then download this savegame 2. That would be YouTube user elsa3dany1, he already completed all races unlocking the performance parts, as well as beat all Most Wanted racers.

You can buy any other car for example, The Cross Corvette (Slot 20, Heat Level 5,6,) in the car lot. It is 1 completed in Career mode and it has a Fiat Punto.

Some cars look alike but use different hex codes.
That being said, I do not in any way want to take full credit for the creation of this gamesave, for I am not its original creator. This save game contains all the 100 Cars including pursuit, bonus and traffic. NFS Most Wanted (2012) PRO-Modded Gamesave (incl DLC) Hello! Thank-you for downloading my gamesave for Need For Speed: Most Wanted (2012)! Within this gamesave, you'll find all pro-versions of each performance part (including DLC performance parts) for each individual car (including all DLC cars) has been unlocked, among other things (which are listed below).